2019-07-16: News Headlines

Gary Leupp (2019-07-16). What Right Has Britain to Seize an Iranian Tanker Off Spain? counterpunch.org "We have reason to believe that the Grace 1 was carrying its shipment of crude oil to the Banyas Refinery in Syria. That refinery is the property of an entity that is subject to European Union sanctions against Syria." — Fabian Picardo, chief minister of Gibraltar "[Praise for Gibraltar and the British marines] for this More

Patrick Hilsman (2019-07-16). How Israeli-Designed Drones Became Russia's Eyes in the Sky for Defending Bashar al-Assad. theintercept.com Last summer, Israel shot down yet another military drone near the line that separates the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights from the rest of Syria. The confrontation would have been business as usual, if not for a twist: Images of the destroyed drone showed Cyrillic tail markings and other identifiable components of a Forpost belonging to Russia. The findings presented an awkward geopolitical moment: Syria and Russia are allies, and Syria and Israel are bitter enemies — but the Russ…

WSWS (2019-07-16). Amazon workers internationally protest against conditions on Prime Day. wsws.org Across the US and in Europe, Amazon workers are protesting dangerous working conditions, low pay and the company's ties to the US immigration Gestapo.

WSWS (2019-07-16). IYSSE wins seat in student parliament at Institute of Technology in Karlsruhe, Germany. wsws.org The IYSSE's electoral success shows widespread opposition to militarism, war and the rise of the far-right and the growing support for a socialist perspective.

Staff (2019-07-16). A Socialist Defector: From Harvard to Karl-Marx-Allee. therealnews.com Victor Grossman defected to East Germany while serving in the US military in the 1950's. His latest book recounts his assessment of life in the US, in East Germany, and in the united Germany. We discuss the book with the author…

RT (2019-07-16). Have 'Russian bots' tricked Americans into thinking their country has problems? RT investigates. rt.com Americans concerned about political friction in the US will be relieved to know that, according to the media, most of these issues have been manufactured by Russian bots. RT took a closer look at this scary conspiracy. |

Stephen Lendman (2019-07-15). Turkey's Purchase of Russian S-400 Air Defense System: A Blow to the US War Machine. globalresearch.ca Turkey's purchase of state-of-the-art Russian S-400 air defense equipment at the expense of less capable US Patriot and Terminal High Altitude Air Defense (THAAD) missiles is of much greater significance than has been reported. More on this below. | The White …

unitedEditor (2019-07-15). S-400, Sudan, Hong Kong protests, Somali attack. uwidata.com S-400 On July 14, the seventh aircraft carrying Russian S-400 air defense system components arrived in Turkey at the Myrted airbase. Turkey has now become the first NATO country to purchase the S-400. The purchase caused months of disagreements with the United States, who argued that the F-35 fighter jets Turkey had purchased were incompatible …

Vijay Prashad (2019-07-15). Trump murdered the Iran Deal—and Europe isn't too happy about it. mronline.org During the July 14, 2019 meeting between France, Germany, and the UK to discuss their response to the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal, President Hassan Rouhani remarked that Iran is "always ready for negotiation." Iran, he said, urges the U.S. to "abandon bullying." | Source

teleSUR (2019-07-15). Venezuelan Delegation Arrives in Barbados to Continue Dialouge. telesurenglish.net The Venezuelan delegation arrived in Barbados Monday to continue the negotiations with the spokesperson of the country's opposition. | RELATED: | Venezuela: US Trying to Destroy Political Dialogue in Barbados | Jorge Rodríguez, the Vice President of Communication, Tourism, and Culture of Venezuela informed about their arrival on Twitter. | "We have arrived at generous Barbados to continue the dialogue of peace. Together with Pope Francis, we hope that all of us will commit our…

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya (2019-07-15). Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a "New Middle East" globalresearch.ca Towards the balkanization (division) and finlandization (pacification) of the Middle East…

teleSUR (2019-07-15). Italy Seizes Air-To-Air Missile, Guns in Raids on Neo-Nazis. telesurenglish.net Italian police have seized Monday a large arsenal of weapons, including an air-to-air missile, in raids on neo-Nazi sympathizers. | RELATED: | Italy Shuts Down Europe's Once Biggest Migrant Center | "During the operation, an air-to-air missile in perfect working order and used by the Qatari army was seized," police said of the 245-kilogram (540-pound) Matra missile. They also found automatic assault rifles that they described as "latest generation" among the cache. | Three men were arre…

teleSUR (2019-07-15). Unlike US, UK Foreign Secretary Wants To Save Iran Nuclear Deal. telesurenglish.net Britain said Monday there was a "small window" of time to save the Iran nuclear deal, as Tehran signaled it would ramp up its nuclear program if Europe failed to do more to salvage the pact. | RELATED: | Leaks Reveal Trump Left Pact With Iran to Erase Obama's Legacy | "Iran is still a good year away from developing a nuclear bomb. There is still some closi…

United Nations (2019-07-15). Baby foods high in sugar, inappropriately marketed in Europe, reveal two UN studies. un.org Proper nutrition for newborn babies into early childhood is key to development and good health in later life, according to the Regional Director of the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) in Europe, as she launched two new studies on Monday.

Elijah J. Magnier (2019-07-15). "Radiating Insecurity": Will Europe Stand with "US Hooliganism", or Stand by Its Treaty Obligations to Iran? globalresearch.ca Since the Iranian revolution took power in 1979, the world stood against Iran because it is an "Islamic Republic", unwilling to acknowledge and bow to US dominance of the Middle East and the entire world. I say the world because …

Miri Wood (2019-07-15). Syria Calls on Civilized World to Intervene in Turkey Cultural Aggression. globalresearch.ca Turkey has a long history of criminal aggression against Syria. Even before the NATO Spring was imposed in March 2011, Turkey had built tent cities for refugees, before they felt the need to flee. It has housed various terrorists, fraudulent …

unitedEditor (2019-07-15). Three years ago, Turkey nearly went over the edge. uwidata.com The events of that ill-fated night will live in the memory of the Turkish citizens who survived them. In reviewing the July 15 attempted coup three years later, it is important to take an objective look and not presume any easy answers or explanations. It is clear that what happened would be practically impossible without …

RT (2019-07-15). Kaepernick anthem-kneeling controversy was the work of 'Russian Bots' — Kamala Harris. rt.com What can't those dastardly Russian bots do? Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris has blamed the media commotion surrounding former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick's kneeling during the national anthem on the Kremlin's minions. |

Staff (2019-07-15). War by Other Means: Understanding and Challenging U.S. Sanctions Against Russia (3/3). therealnews.com 2019 Left Forum panel on US economic war against Russia, presented by Prof. Jeremy Kuzmarov…

The Canary (2019-07-15). Eoin Morgan says 'We had Allah with us' as captain praises England's diversity. thecanary.co England's Eoin Morgan hailed the diversity of his World Cup-winning team after the hosts beat New Zealand in the final at Lord's. | Morgan, who was born in Dublin and switched allegiance from Ireland to England a decade ago, was asked: "Do you think the luck of an Irishman got England over the line?" | His response has since gone viral on social media. | "We had Allah with us as well," said Morgan. "I spoke to Adil (Rashid), he said Allah was definitely with us. I said we had the rub of the green. | "It actually epitomises our team. It has quite diverse backgrounds and cultures… to actually find humour in the s…

Andre Vltchek (2019-07-14). Why are Anti-Migrant Arguments in the E.U., U.S. Pure Hypocrisy? dissidentvoice.org Almost every day we read about the latest outbursts in Europe, targeting pro-immigration policies. There are protests, even riots. Right-wing governments get voted in, allegedly, because the Europeans "have had enough of relaxed immigration regulations". That is what we are told. That's what we are supposed to understand, and even sympathize with. Anti-immigration sentiments are …

Turkish Minute (2019-07-14). NATO 'Concerned' by Turkey's Acquisition of Russian S-400 System. theantimedia.com (TM) — NATO said Friday it was "concerned" by Turkey's acquisition of Russia's S-400 missile defense system after Ankara took delivery of its first batch, AFP reported. The alliance has repeatedly warned Turkey that the Russian system is incompatible with other NATO weapons systems, not least the F-35 fighter jet. "We are concerned about the potential consequences …

RT (2019-07-14). Russian trolls are coming! Obama staffer issues warning amid dispute within Democrtic party. rt.com With sniping and infighting rocking the Democratic Party, former White House staffer Ben Rhodes has warned the left to be on the lookout for those ever-present "Russian trolls," drawing ridicule. |

unitedEditor (2019-07-13). 'We will respond with force': Former Turkish military leader issues warning to Washington amid S-400 tension. uwidata.com The former head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Turkey, retired general ƒ∞lker Ba≈übuƒü recent made a number of powerful statements about his country's purchase of Russian S-400 defense systems and American F-35 fighters (which Ankara still counts on receiving despite threat from the US to the contrary). Here are the most …

The Canary (2019-07-13). Loyalist paramilitaries used women and children in bonfires row — police chief. thecanary.co Northern Ireland's police chief has accused loyalist paramilitaries of using women and children as human shields to frustrate efforts to demolish a contentious bonfire.Simon Byrne condemned what he branded a "cynical ploy" by the east Belfast Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF), acknowledging it was a factor in the PSNI's ultimate decision not to move against the bonfire builders.Mr Byrne was referring to ad hoc events staged during the four-day stand-off with the authorities over a bonfire built in the car park of Avoniel Leisure Centre.They included a party that saw bouncy castles inflated at the car park entrance and…

Joshua Cho (2019-07-12). 'Hypersonic Missiles' Aren't Starting an Arms Race—Washington Is. fair.org The New York Times ascribes agency and responsibility to mysterious forces and inanimate missiles manipulating the US both in its headline—it's the missiles that are "starting a new global arms race," not the government—and in its claim that "the rush" to possess hypersonic missiles has "pushed the United States into an arms race with Russia and China."

Peter Koenig (2019-07-12). Iran vs. Spineless Europe. dissidentvoice.org Iran announced the second step in reducing her commitment under the 2015 so-called Nuclear Deal, officially known as The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), by exceeding the limit set by agreement of 3.67% uranium enrichment and 300 kg of enriched uranium accumulation. When asked by the media about his reaction, Trump says, "they know …

susan_p (2019-07-12). EU, Podemos throw Catalan sovereignty under the bus. greenleft.org.au Nothing captures the attitude of the European Union (EU) and its main member states towards the Catalan struggle for self-determination better than this well-known verse: | Last night I saw upon the stair,
| A little man who wasn't there,
| He wasn't there again today
| Oh, how I wish he'd go away … | The week of July 1-8 was marked by important (non) appearances by the "little man" of the movement for Catalan sovereignty. | First, there was the July 2 rally of more than 10,000 Catalan demonstrators (according to police figures) outside the opening of the new session of the European P…

unitedEditor (2019-07-11). Battle for Libya: Major Players and Changing Coalitions. uwidata.com Relations between Libya, under the control of Khalifa Haftar (Tobruk's government), and Turkey are at a critical point in the aftermath of an airstrike Haftar`s forces carried out against a refugee camp in Tripoli. Haftar has refused responsibility, calling the incident a false-flag conducted by his rival al-Sarraj. Harsh statements from both sides quickly followed, …

Ociel Alí López (2019-07-10). Norway, Bachelet, and the Twilight of Guaido's Insurrection. mintpressnews.com Venezuelanalysis — Guaido's uprising is going through its terminal phrase. He does not yet appear to have reached his end as leader, as he still produces and consolidates an important consensus among the opposition. What has decisively failed is his attempt to form a government without elections with the backing of the hawks in Washington. In almost six months since his self-swearing in as "interim president," it has become palpable that his governing is truly impossible. The coup de grace was de…

United Nations (2019-07-10). Wednesday's Daily Brief: Guterres in Kenya, Prisoners sick in Iran, #GlobalGoals, Myanmar, Ukraine updates, and new space partnership. un.org This Wednesday's UN top stories are: latest global terror warnings; political prisoners denied health access in Iran; high-level discussions on Sustainable Development Goals; continued abuse of Rohingya in Myanmar; Odessa killings in Ukraine; and partnering with NASA.

Staff (2019-07-09). "This Is Not a Surprise": U.S. Sanctions and Saber Rattling Led to Iran's Renewed Uranium Enrichment. democracynow.org In ongoing fallout from the Trump administration's decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear accord, the International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed on Monday that Iran has begun enriching uranium above the level agreed to by the 2015 nuclear deal. Iran has threatened to continue to increase their production of enriched uranium if European signatories of the nuclear deal do not help ease the impact of the U.S. sanctions. We speak with Trita Parsi, executive vice president of the new think tank, the Quincy Institute, and author of "Losing an Enemy: Obama, Iran, and the Triumph of Diplomacy."

Staff (2019-07-08). U.S. Women's Soccer Team Wins World Cup, Condemning Pay Discrimination and President Trump. democracynow.org The U.S. national women's soccer team made history by winning its record fourth World Cup after defeating the Netherlands 2 to 0 on Sunday in Lyon, France. The U.S. women's World Cup victory came just months after members of the 2015 women's team sued the U.S. Soccer Federation over gender discrimination. Following the victory, audience members began to chant "equal pay" in solidarity with the team's demands for an equal salary to their male counterparts. Prize money for this year's Women's World Cup is just $30 million compared to $400 million for the 2018 men's World Cup. Co-captain Megan Rapinoe was awarded th…

unitedEditor (2019-07-08). Georgian protests, military parade, Libya and Turkey. uwidata.com Georgian protests New protests took place this week in Georgia. On July 4, the Georgian Interior Ministry announced the detention of four people accused of assaulting police officers during rallies in central Tbilisi on June 20-21. On Thursday, the Prosecutor General's Office announced that it was investigating a meeting about organizing mass riots and an …

unitedEditor (2019-07-08). What gift has Iran prepared for Europe on JCPOA? uwidata.com Hasan Rouhani's ultimatum to Europe for rescuing the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (JCPOA) has expired and the whole world is waiting to see what Iran will do next — continue observing the nuclear deal or create a nuclear bomb. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has made a statement suggesting Iran will go over to the …

Staff (2019-07-04). Ta-Nehisi Coates: "Joe Biden Shouldn't Be President" democracynow.org Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden is under fire for fondly reminiscing about his "civil" relationship with segregationist senators in the 1970s and 1980s. Speaking at a fundraiser at the Carlyle Hotel in New York City on Tuesday night, Biden expressed nostalgia for his relationship with the late Democratic pro- segregation Senators James Eastland of Mississippi and Herman Talmadge of Georgia. Biden reportedly said, "I was in a caucus with James O. Eastland. … He never called me 'boy'; he called me 'son.'" Biden went on to say, "A guy like Herman Talmadge, one of the meanest guys I ever knew, you go do…

Paul Dobson (2019-07-01). US Sanctions Maduro's Son as Venezuela Discussed at G20. venezuelanalysis.com Russian President Vladimir Putin challenged Juan Guaido to run in elections while Trump said he has "five different alternatives for Venezuela."

ACLU (2019-06-28). Georgia Tried to Ban Abortion, So We Sued. aclu.org Abortion bans place people in danger, and Georgia's is no exception. | Alabama. Arkansas. Kentucky. Ohio. And today, Georgia. That's the list of states where the ACLU has had to go to court over the last few months to challenge laws banning abortion. | The Georgia law bans abortion at six weeks of pregnancy and is in clear violation of the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade. In fact, that is the whole point of the law. Georgia politicians, including Governor Brian Kemp, emboldened by President Trump's appointment of two new justices to the Supreme Court, think this is their chance to get the court to take aw…

SAMIR (2019-06-20). Milton Nascimento fans urge him to cancel Israel show. bdsmovement.net Milton Nascimento fans urge him to cancel Israel show: UpdateFans attending European tour dates join Palestinian and Brazilian arts organizations in urging star to cancel apartheid Tel Aviv show | Cultural BoycottJune 20, 2019 | By: | | Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI)

Paul Dobson (2019-06-06). Venezuela: Pompeo Exposes Frustration Over Opposition Divisions as China, Russia Call for Non-Interference. venezuelanalysis.com The US Secretary of State claims efforts to unify the opposition have been "devilishly difficult."

Lucas Koerner (2019-05-30). Venezuela: Norway Talks End as Pence Telephones Guaido. venezuelanalysis.com Maduro praised "constructive dialogue" while the opposition reiterated appeals to the armed forces.

Paul Dobson (2019-05-27). Venezuela: New Round of 'Face to Face' Talks to be Held in Norway. venezuelanalysis.com The content of the dialogue between Maduro's and Guaido's teams has not been disclosed.

CounterSpin (2019-05-17). Oriaku Njoku & Jill Heaviside on Abortion Rights in Georgia and Beyond. fair.org Abortions will happen, as they always have. The question is what they'll be like, for whom? If that's your question about the future, it makes sense to talk with the people who are doing the work now — of support, advocacy and funding to allow women to access safe and affordable abortion care.